Former BTOB Member, Ilhoon, About To Be Charged With A 4-Year Prison Sentence?

Currently, BTOB has 6 members which include Eunkwang, Minhyuk, Changsub, Hyunsik, Peniel and Sungjae. Under their agency, CUBE Entertainment, BTOB made their debut on the 21st of March, 2012 and initially, BTOB had a 7th member.
BTOB's former member, Ilhoon, left BTOB just last year on the 31st of December after reports of him being investigated by South Korean police for illegal marijuana usage. Recently, updates on his status were released.
As of writing this article, on the 20th of May, the final hearing for BTOB's former member, Ilhoon, for his charges of buying and making use of marijuana happened at the Seoul Central District Court.
In the hearing, the prosecutors made a request saying, "We demand four years in prison and 133 million won [which is approximated to be $117 thousand US Dollars] in terms of fines for the defendant, Jung Ilhoon."
"I apologize for disappointing the many people who believed in me. I have reflected on my life until now while going through this incident. Although it is irrevocable, I will keep and remember the pain and realization I gained through this incident and live on without shame," BTOB former member, Ilhoon, expressed in his final testimony.
The lawyer of Ilhoon noted, "The defendant is bitterly regretting it. He suffered a great deal of stress while promoting in the entertainment industry as a songwriter and trainee from a young age, and he tried to relieve the stress in a wrong way."
Aside from BTOB's former member, seven other defendants were brought for trial in terms of suspicions of buying and partaking in the smoking of the illegal drug, marijuana.
Additionally, the defendants were charged with spending an approximation of 130 million won, which is around $116 thousand US dollar, in multiple instances from the 5th of July, 2016 and the 9th of January, 2019.
Stay tuned as the court will announce Ilhoon's fate on the 10th of June, 2021.