Here 4 Myths About Headaches

Headaches are common in everyday life, so you can think of them as insignificant. There are a lot of misconceptions about headaches and migraines. Sometimes the myths that confuse people don't prevent or treat the pain properly. Here are four myths about headaches and migraines.
Myth 1: Migraines are just bad headaches
Fact: Migraines are neurological disorders that cause many different symptoms. Migraine sufferers may have nausea, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, sensitivity to light and noise, and speech problems. Such symptoms don't necessarily accompany a headache.
In fact, 1 in 4 migraine sufferers are unable to attend work or school due to symptoms, and 1 in 3 migraine sufferers are unable to attend family or social activities. There are many ways to relieve a migraine, but you may need a prescription from your doctor to help reduce the pain.
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Myth 2: Sudden headaches, nothing to worry about
Fact: An out-of-the-box headache can be a sign of a problem, especially when accompanied by other symptoms. When in doubt, go to the emergency room.
If you have a high fever and a stiff neck along with a headache, it could be meningitis. Headaches with vomiting or nausea can mean a concussion or migraine.
It is especially worrisome if you have stroke symptoms and a headache at the same time, such as numbness or weakness on one side of your body, or difficulty speaking or walking. If the pain is terrible, it can be a sign of an aneurysm or stroke and should be taken seriously.
If you have the worst headache of your life, that is, if the pain is so severe that you cannot do anything, you need an emergency diagnosis.
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Myth 3: Quitting coffee will relieve headaches
Fact: Caffeine can cause headaches, but it can also help relieve headaches. In fact, caffeine is a common ingredient in many headache and migraine medications. According to experts, why caffeine relieves migraines is still a matter of debate.
Some people believe it relieves headaches by narrowing the blood vessels surrounding the brain and reducing blood flow. On the other hand, some believe that caffeine affects receptors that affect pain signals.
Stopping caffeine suddenly can cause withdrawal headaches. It is important to strike a balance. For example, if you like caffe latte, it is recommended to consume 200 mg or less of caffeine (2 cups of coffee) at the same time every day to avoid caffeine headaches.
If caffeine interferes with sleep, you should cut down on caffeine. Lack of sleep is a trigger for migraines. It is recommended to gradually replace regular coffee with decaffeinated coffee.
Caffeine withdrawal headaches can be avoided by gradually reducing the amount of caffeine over a few weeks.
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Myth 4: Over-the-counter medications work best for regular headaches
Fact: Not for those who suffer from frequent headaches. Taking more than one dose of over-the-counter medications may cause a rebound headache, which is when the drug loses its effectiveness.
So, if you have headaches several times a week, it's a good idea to see your doctor. You can be prescribed preventative medications that can help without causing a rebound headache. Also, staying hydrated, exercising regularly, and avoiding pain triggers can help keep headaches away.
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Getting a good night's sleep also helps prevent headaches. Experience the effect of Yeongyang lapillus pillow if you suffer from headaches caused by insomnia.