Does Lack Of Sleep Reduce Libido?

The absence of REM sleep can negatively affect men's libido.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in the United States have published a study that found that sleep disturbance can reduce libido and cause erectile dysfunction.
The researchers analyzed the hospital visits and prescription drug records of men aged 40 to 70 years from 2009 to 2021, and selected cases of insomnia, sleep apnea, and circadian rhythm sleep disorder.
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Also, the researchers observed that men suffering from insomnia were at a higher risk of hypogonadism. This is when the testicles are unable to produce sex hormones properly. When this happens, sexual desire wanes, and erections fail.
In addition, the data point out that men with sleep apnea also had a higher rate of complaints of decreased libido or erectile dysfunction than men who slept normally.
On the other hand, circadian rhythm sleep disorder, a symptom in which the sleep rhythm is disturbed due to shifting work, is also found to affect men's libido.
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Sleep disorders and circadian rhythm sleep disorders are associated with significantly higher rates of hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction.
"I always explain to men that testosterone, which is an essential male hormone for many different functions, is produced in the deep stages of sleep," said Dr. Peta Bajic, who chaired the annual meeting of the American Urological Association AUA) in New Orleans last May.
Erectile dysfunction isn't just a problem with your sex life. It may be a precursor to other diseases, such as cardiovascular disease. "If you simply prescribe erectile dysfunction drugs without looking at the underlying disease, you can create bigger problems later," Dr. Bajic explained.
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So how can you have a better night's sleep?
First, exercise regularly. Physical exercise can help improve your sleep and treat insomnia. Take note, it is recommended to exercise during the day and not at night.
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Next, don't eat late or consume alcohol before bedtime. Consuming carbohydrates within four hours of sleep can restrict the release of melatonin. In addition, alcohol can also affect the production of melatonin and even cause sleep apnea.
Lastly, take supplements. Various natural sleep aids are available. You may check out melatonin supplements which are popular nowadays or try traditional herbal supplements like Kiseido EASY SLEEP can help relax the nervous system to reduce anxiety for a night of better sleep.