5 Easy-To-Do Techniques To Help You Sleep Better Tonight

Getting a good amount of quality sleep is linked to better health, increased physical performance, good mood, and alertness. But not everyone is blessed with having a decent night's sleep.
Are you having trouble getting good sleep? If yes, then go through these 5 simple tips that can definitely help you sleep better.
#5 Exercise Regularly
Physical exercise is a great way to improve your sleep and treat insomnia. Exercise can increase adrenalin and improve physical performance so it is recommended to exercise during the day and not at night.
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#4 Don't Eat Late
Eating within four hours of sleep can affect how well you sleep. Carbohydrates can restrict the release of melatonin. It is recommended to have a low carb, high protein meal if you don't have the choice but to eat late at night.
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#3 Reduce Blue Light Exposure
Studies have shown that exposure to blue light via our phones and other gadgets can disrupt our circadian rhythm and suppress melatonin production in the body. To have better sleep, try to avoid using your gadgets at least 2 hours before bedtime.
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#2 Reduce Alcohol Intake
Alcohol can affect the production of melatonin and even cause sleep apnea. Try to have your last alcoholic drink at least 4 hours before bedtime
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#1 Take supplements
Oftentimes, anxiety causes difficulty in sleeping. To help you have a more relaxing sleep, various natural sleep aids are available. Traditional herbal supplements like Kiseido EASY SLEEP can help relax the nervous system to reduce anxiety for a night of better sleep.
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