Jin Ha Of Apple TV’s ‘Pachinko’ Releases Official Apology For Hidden Camera Scandal!

Apple TV's most recent K-drama, "Pachinko," was recently released and it has already garnered a massive amount of love from its viewers. Just recently though, one of the stars in the K-drama, American actor Jin Ha, met face to face with a scandal.
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On the 25th of March, Jin Ha was accused of taking hidden camera photos of women. As per news outlets, the K-drama star supposedly took approximately 100 pictures of elderly women in subways and public locations all over South Korea.
A day later, the "Pachinko" star made the following official apology on the 26th of March!
"Hello. Thank you for giving me the chance to speak about my mistake. Everyone was right to have criticized me. The Tumblr I had from 2011, Korean Flowers In Bloom, should have never been made in the first place. It was an invasion of privacy to all the women that appeared in the blog, and the captions I had added were also inappropriate. I am regretful about my actions and sincerely apologize.
I was wrong for having taken such photos before 2011 and having uploaded them online. It was also wrong of me to have left the blog up for years without considering the negative impact it would have. Since there were requests for me to delete the blog, I have done so. The account Korean Flowers In Bloom no longer exists.
Once more, I apologize to the women in the photos I took. I also apologize to those that felt discomfort at my blog. I am thankful to the viewers, who are wiser than me, that have criticized me for my lack of foresight. Thank you once more for giving me the chance to correct my mistake.
Although I should have been good from the start, thank you for letting me realize the error of my ways, although it is a little late. I will make consistent efforts to study so that such mistakes will not repeat.
Jin Ha."
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Furthermore, Jin Ha's blog has been deleted and although "Pachinko" has continued with the K-drama's promotions, it is unsure if Jin Ha will still be participating.