'NCIS' Season 16 Episode 13 Spoilers: NCIS Reopens Agent Ziva David's Old Case

NCIS is reopening an old case that has connection to a former agent that many fans will be thrilled to see even just in a flashback scene: Ziva David. In the upcoming NCIS Season 16 Episode 13, Gibbs and the rest of the team will reopen a case of missing persons which Ziva has a personal interest in.
NCIS fans may not expect an appearance from Cote de Pablo, who played the role of highly-skilled Mossad-turned-NCIS agent Ziva David from Season 3 to 11. As NCIS avid followers have known, Ziva is already dead. She died in a missile strike that destroyed her farmhouse in Israel. She survived a daughter, Tali, who is now with the child's father, former NCIS agent Anthony DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly).
The upcoming Episode 11, however, may feature some clips of Ziva relating to the case. The NCIS team will be called in after a malnourished and confused 9-year-old child is found hiding in a storage unit. The child is believed to be the daughter of a Navy recruit who disappeared a decade ago. Thus, prompting the team to reopen an old missing person case.
Agent Ellie Bishop (Emily Wickersham) discovers notes of Ziva. It appears that the agent keep on pursuing the case even after NCIS officially closed the investigation. It will give Special Agents Leroy Jethro Gibbs (Mark Harmon), Tim McGee (Sean Murray), and medical examiner Jimmy Palmer (Brian Dietzen) some nostalgic feel as they are the remaining members of the NCIS team that have knowledge about the old case.
Meanwhile, Gibbs already dealt with his past in the previous episode. An old family friend, John Sydney (Dabney Coleman), appeared at the Navy Yard and asked for Gibbs help to locate a missing military ID bracelet. John is Gibbs' father, Jackson, fellow World War II veteran.
John explained that he belongs to a group called Last Man's Club, a group of men from Stillwater High School who served in WWII together. They vowed that the last man alive would collect all of their military ID bracelets and be buried with them.
Gibbs is wearing his father's bracelet. John is searching for the bracelet of Leroy Jethro "LJ" Moore, who is Jackson Gibbs' close friend and partner in his store. The two eventually found the bracelet at the home of the new owner of the store.
Gibbs also confronted John as to why he left the Gibbs family when the NCIS agent is still a child. John explained that he returned from the war with problems such as alcoholism. It turns out, Gibbs mother, Ann, asked John to leave.
NCIS will be taking a two-week break and will return next month. NCIS Season 16 Episode 11 airs on February 5 on CBS at 8 p.m. ET.