United States Sends B-1B Bombers to South Korea

The United states Forces Korea (USFK) commander said on Tuesday that the flight by two U.S. B-1B bombers over the country signifies the "steadfast and unshakeable" dedication of the United States to its main Asian ally amidst North Korea's latest nuclear test last week.
In an article from Yonhap News Agency, the bombers left the U.S. Andersen Air Force Base in Guam on Tuesday morning and arrived at the Osan Air Base, south of Seoul, at around 10 o'clock in the morning. The USFK said that the flybys symbolize the tight teamwork between the South Korean and the U.S. military forces and their readiness to respond at any time to threats from the North.
At the Osan air base, USFK Commander General Vincent K. Brooks told the reporters, "North Korea's nuclear test is a dangerous escalation and poses an unacceptable threat. The United States has an unshakeable commitment to defend allies in the region and will take necessary steps to do so, including operations like this one today, and the deployment f the Terminal High Altitude Air Defense (THAAD) battery to the Korean Peninsula. Today's demonstration provides just one example of the full range of military capabilities in the deep arsenal of this strong alliance to provide and strengthen extended deterrence."
Lee Sun Jin, the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, stated, "As we warned multiple times, if North Korea continues its aggressive behavior and develops nuclear weapons, it will meet retaliatory actions that will shake the very foundation of the regime's existence."
The two officials also said that the alliance military forces continue to be ready to satisfy mutual defense obligations against the threats to the security of the country and the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.
North Korea has stepped up its psychological warfare even after warnings were issued by the international community. The United States had taken various military counteractions after major provocations from the communist country.
The B-1B Lancer is a four-engine supersonic variable sweep wing, strategic bomber with a maximum speed of Mach 1.25 and could fly very close to the ground in order to avoid detection as it closes in on target. The said bomber can reach North Korea in two hours after it leaves the Guam base.