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China reportedly deployed missiles in a disputed island in South China Sea. (Photo by China Photos/Getty Images)

Feb 19, 2016 AM EST - Diana Tomale

China Deployed Missiles To Disputed Island In South China Sea, Taiwanese And U.S. Officials Claim

U.S. and Taiwan officials say China has deployed missiles in disputed South China Sea. Satellite images captured by a private company might support claims.

Cube returned training version of Hellfire missile to the United States. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

Feb 17, 2016 AM EST - Diana Tomale

Cuba Returns ‘Wrongly Sent’ Dummy Training Version Of Hellfire Missile To The United States

The Cuban Government has returned the training version of Hellfire missile to the United States after it went missing in 2014.

Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook says the U.S. is eager to deploy an $800 million Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system (THAAD).

Feb 08, 2016 PM EST - Jesse Lent

Pentagon Spokesman Peter Cook Says U.S. Is Eager To Provide South Korea With $800 Million THAAD Anti-Missile Technology

On Monday, representative for the Pentagon Peter Cook said the U.S. was eager to deploy an $800 million Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system (THAAD) to South Korea's northern border

former Arirang TV CEO Bang Suk Ho

Feb 03, 2016 PM EST - Diana Tomale

Arirang TV CEO Bang Suk Ho Steps Down From Post After Allegedly Misusing Company Funds While On Business Trip

Head of Arirang TV resigned from his position after he was accused of misusing corporate funds while on a business trip in the United States.

(Photo by: Alex Wong / Getty Images News) US President Barrack Obama saluted troops stationed in Hawaii for their service and sacrifice.

Dec 26, 2015 AM EST - Diana Tomale

President Barrack Obama Thanks U.S. Troops In Hawaii For Their Service And Sacrifice

US President Barrack Obama and his wife, Michelle, extend their greetings to US servicemen stationed in Hawaii. Obama commended the members of US service for their service and sacrifice.

NATO invites Montenegro to begin accession talks to join military alliance. (Photo by Sean Gallup / Getty Images)

Dec 23, 2015 AM EST - Diana Tomale

NATO Invites Balkan Country Montenegro To Join Military Alliance

Montenegro has been invited by NATO to start accession talks to join the military alliance. Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg says it "is the beginning of a very beautiful alliance."

South Korea won Premier 12 final after defeating team USA on Saturday at the Tokyo Dome. (Photo by: Koji Watanabe / Getty Images)

Dec 10, 2015 PM EST - Diana Tomale

South Korea Wins Premier 12 Final Against Team USA 8-0; Park Byung Ho Leads Team With A Three-Run Homer In The Fifth Inning

South Korea defeated team USA in the final round of Premier 12 on Saturday 8-0. Kim Hyun Soo was named as the most valuable player of this year's baseball tournament.

US President Barrack Obama says they will not relent until ISIS is destroyed. (Photo by Pool / Getty Images)

Dec 09, 2015 PM EST - Diana Tomale

U.S. President Barrack Obama Says Their Coalition 'Will Not Relent' On Fight Against Terror Group ISIS

President Barrack Obama said they "will not relent" until militant group ISIS is destroyed. The US president also called on Russia to make a "strategic adjustment".

(Photo by: Gabriel S. Weber) Chinese officials say passage of USS Lassen near disputed Spratly islands is

Nov 23, 2015 PM EST - Diana Tomale

Chinese Officials Say Passage Of U.S. Warship Near Spratly Islands Is 'Illegal' And A Threat To China

Chinese officials warned US after its USS Lassen reportedly breached the 12-nautical-mile borders China declares near disputed Spratly islands. Officials said that such an act is "illegal" and a threat to China.

(Photo by: Ash Carter / Flickr) US Senator John McCain says deal between US and Russian militaries is

Nov 11, 2015 PM EST - Diana Tomale

American Senator John McCain Brands Deal Between U.S. And Russian Militaries On Air Safety Over Syria As 'Immoral'

The US and Russian militaries recently agreed to avoid flight clashes over Syria, however, US Senator John McCain says the agreement is "immoral" and a betrayal to US-backed allies.

(Photo by: Spencer Platt / Getty Images News) Not a single child from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala has entered the United States through refugee program Central American Minors.

Nov 07, 2015 AM EST - Diana Tomale

Not A Single Central American Child Entered The United States Through Refugee Program Central American Minors

Not a single child from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala has entered the United States despite the establishment of a refugee program called Central American Minors last year. The refugee program aims to provide these Central American children a legal way to rejoin their families in the US.

(Photo by: Alexander Aksakov / Getty Images News) A woman offers flowers at the memorial of the passengers killed after a Russian jetliner crashed on Saturday.

Nov 07, 2015 AM EST - Diana Tomale

U.S. And U.K. Intelligence Suggest That A Bomb May Have Cause The Russian Plane Crash In Egypt That Killed All 224 Passengers

Although they have yet to reach a firm conclusion, the US and UK intelligence reportedly think that a bomb may have brought down the Russian passenger plane on Saturday.

(Photo by: Christopher Furlong / Getty Images News) Some 5.6 million fingerprints were reportedly stolen from US Office of Personnel Management.

Oct 06, 2015 AM EDT - Diana Tomale

Some 5.6 Million Fingerprints Were Allegedly Stolen From The Office Of Personnel Management As Announced On Wednesday

The number of stolen fingerprint from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) increases to 5.6 million from the previous record of 1.1 million, the agency announced on Wednesday.

(Photo by: Philipp Guelland / Getty Images News) United States need to cater more Syrian refugees says critics.

Sep 09, 2015 AM EDT - Diana Tomale

Former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband Calls On The United States To Take More Syrian Refugees

The United States is under a lot of pressure as critics say that the country needs to cater more Syrian refugees just like European countries.

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