President Barrack Obama Thanks U.S. Troops Serving In Hawaii On Christmas; ‘We Are Extraordinarily Grateful For Everything You Do Every Single Day’

US President Barrack Obama commended military men on Friday for their service in Hawaii during Christmas season. Obama and his wife, Michelle, visited the troops stationed at the Marine Corps Base Hawaii on Christmas day to extend their greetings to the servicemen.
"This is one of our favorite things to do every single year, because not only are we in Hawaii for Christmas but we're also able to say thank you on behalf of the American people," Obama said, as noted by ABC News Saturday. "So many families here are serving tirelessly. And it's not just those in uniform who serve, it's also the spouses, the kids."
The US leader recognized the difficulty of being deployed overseas, citing the death of six US airmen who were killed in a suicide attack in Afghanistan on Monday.
"And it is still dangerous as we saw this past week, where we had some outstanding, brave men and women who were killed," Obama said.
He went on, "And so we never take for granted what all of you do for the American people. You help keep us free. You help keep us strong. And whatever service you're in, whatever branch, we are extraordinarily grateful for everything that you do every single day."
Obama even cracked a joke before ending his speech saying, "I generally feel like your commander-in-chief is in pretty good shape and then I get next to some guy curling 100 pounds and it makes me feel small. But that's okay. It gives me some inspiration. I'm going to work harder so I can keep up with you next year, all right?"
The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Obama reportedly made phone calls to US servicemen from different branches posted from all over the world to thank them for their service and sacrifice of being away from the family especially in this season.