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Updated Thu Mar 06 2025 14:49:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Tag : Seoul National University Hospital

Aside from difficulty in movement and coordination, children with cerebral palsy also suffer mental retardation. (Photo by China Photos/Getty Images)

Jan 28, 2016 AM EST - Dalal Nasif

Seoul National University Professor Discovers That A Group Of Antibiotics Could Prevent Cerebral Palsy In Unborn Babies

A professor from Seoul is gaining recognition for his breakthrough contributions in preventing cerebral palsy. Through his research, no baby is born with the disorder in Seoul National University Hospital where he works as a doctor.

South Korea is expecting a surgery of tourists that aim to undergo cosmetic surgery in the country this year. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Jan 04, 2016 AM EST - Czarelli Tuason

‘Cosmetic Surgery Tourism Has Limits’ Says A South Korean Research Institute

President of the Biomedical Research Institute in South Korea believes that cosmetic surgery in the country may not last long despite the increasing number of Chinese nationals travelling to the country for aesthetic procedures.

South Korean health workers wearing a protective gear during the MERS outbreak (Photo by Jung Yeon Je/Getty Images)

Nov 25, 2015 PM EST - Czarelli Tuason

South Korea’s Last MERS Patient Reportedly Dies

South Korea is now waiting for the formal declaration of WHO on the end of the MERS outbreak in the country as the last MERS patient reportedly died at the Seoul National University Hospital.

Former South Korean President Lee Myung Bak at a memorial altar of late former South Korean president Kim Young Sam | By: Pool | Getty Images

Nov 25, 2015 AM EST - Czarelli Tuason

Former South Korean President Kim Young Sam Dies At 87

Former South Korean President Kim Young Sam, who led the country from 1993 until 1998, reportedly passed away on Sunday due to septecemia and acute heart failure.

Research suggests that a 20-minute walk could help reduce vulnerability to seasonal allergies. (Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images News)

Oct 23, 2015 AM EDT - Therese Agcopra

Study in South Korea Shows a 20-Minute Walk Could Help Prevent Seasonal Allergies This Autumn

A team of researchers led by Prof. Kang Hye Ryun in Seoul National University Hospital shows lower levels of vitamin D could cause allergic rhinitis.

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