ONCEs Melt As TWICE’s Jeongyeon Once Again Proves That She Has A Heart Of Gold!

Notably, while none of the members of TWICE have their own personal Instagram accounts, TWICE's Jeongyeon made an Instagram account for a puppy named Yuki to help him find a new family to love and take care of him.
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On the 14th of January, TWICE's Jeongyeon made an Instagram account for the puppy named Yuki. The Instagram account is now filled with adorable photos with sweet captions. Jeongyeon and her sister, actress Gong Seung Yeon, are currently taking care of Yuki until he finds a home.
TWICE's Jeongyeon captioned one of Yuki's Instagram post:
"Hi, I'm Yuki. I'm about three months old. They used to call me Yonggi (courage) when I was staying at the shelter. But Jeongyeon noona gave me my new name, Yuki. I come from the Ansung Pyeonggang Gongju Shelter, but I'm at Jeongyeon noona's house as a foster now. I came to the shelter with an existing skin condition. But I've been taking medication as well as medicated baths and I'm getting better. Thanks for checking me out! ^^️
#AnsungPyeonggangGongjuShelter #Yuki #Yonggi"
TWICE's Jeongyeon also placed information regarding Yuki in the Instagram account's bio which also has a link to his adoption page.
The Instagram account's bio is as follows:
"Looking for Yuki's forever home.
If you would like to adopt, please click the link below and sign up to become a registered user.
Adoption link "
As the Instagram account is relatively new, TWICE's Jeongyeon has already given people a plethora of photos to show them Yuki's world with her as his temporary mom. Jeongyeon showed what the puppy looked like when she took him into her care in the beginning.
Furthermore, thanks to the medicated baths TWICE's Jeongyeon has been giving Yuki, the puppy is now looking much better and happier.