Netizens Giddy As Kang Hyewon Names Which IZ*ONE Member Resembles Her ‘Ideal Type’

Kang Hyewon, formerly of IZ*ONE, previously opened her own YouTube channel and for her first ever video upload, the idol went on to ask her personal fans for questions in order to have a Q&A.
In the video, Kang Hyewon shared that she could not contain her excitement as she 'read the comments prior'. Among a plethora of amazing first questions, one of the questions that had fans excited was "What is your ideal type of person?"
Instantly, Kang Hyewon explained, "Not in a romantic way, but just as a person. I feel someone is really nice when they express a lot. Whether it be a friend, producer. If you like something, they say they like it. I like people who are frank in every way."
But right after the former IZ*ONE member said that Kang Hyewon adorably added "I bet all of you are going 'That's Me!' It may be you!?"
As Kang Hyewon decidedly moved on from the question, she noticed that a lot of her fans were really excited to know her ideal type due to the fact that a lot of questions related to her ideal type.
After scrolling for a while, the next question Kang Hyewon decided to answer was: "Which member is closest to your ideal type?"
Instead of directly answering the interesting question, Kang Hyewon shared, "Rather than my ideal type, I don't know why, but this is so funny. Yuri?"
Yuri, or known also for her full name being Jo Yuri, is another former IZ*ONE member and Kang Hyewon went on to talk about her fellow idol.
Kang Hyewon then went on to share the reason she chose Yuri as she met Yuri recently. Hyewon also found the question was pretty hard to answer.
Kang Hyewon and Jo Yuri are truly close friends!