Omran a Syrian Boy in Aleppo Bloodied by Airstrike [PHOTO]

Omran, a bloodied Syrian boy in Aleppo, has miraculously survived an airstrike that destroyed his house and obliterated his entire neighborhood last Wednesday.
Images of the bloodied Syrian boy went viral drawing international outpourings of sympathy and also stirring cries of outrage against Assad's atrocious and blatant disregard of civilian lives.
Miracle Survivor
Omran Daqneesh is five years old and was one of the few children who survived the airstrike that hit his rebel-held neighborhood. The airstrike should have brought Omran's instant death but the boy miraculously survived.
Shocked and Bloodied
A rescuer pulled him out just in time from the rubble of his house and gently carried the bloodied Syrian boy inside the safety of a waiting ambulance. His family was yet to be rescued at that moment.
Alone and dazed, Omran wiped his dusty face with his hand then realized that it was wet from blood. The wounded five year old wiped his hand on his seat unaware how seriously bloodied his face was.
The quick arrival of rescuers saved Omran and his family. Moments after the airstrike hit, rescuers rushed to the site pulling out Omran, his three siblings aged one, six and eleven along with his mother father. Just seconds after they all got out their entire house collapsed.
Assad must be stopped
Journalists from the rebel media group Aleppo Media Center swiftly sent a video of the boy's rescue to international news media outlets and posted images in social media to tell the everyone that countless Syrian boys and girls will get bloodied without end unless the world comes together and put a stop to Assad's disastrous civil war.