‘Max Payne 4’ On PS4 Confirmed? Game Receives ‘M’ From ESRB Rating

Sony's PlayStation fans across the world were delighted to find out that the widely acclaimed game, "Max Payne", might finally be coming to the PS 4 as it recently received a rating of "M" from ESRB, as stated by sources.
It was already promised by PS4 Daily that "Max Payne 3" is coming to PS 4 and Xbox One earlier this year, as reported by KpopStarz.
However, a rating from the Entertainment Software Rating Board has surfaced over the internet for the popular title, "Max Payne", which may suggest that this iconic PlayStation 2 game could be ported to the PS 4 sometime soon, as reported by Tech Times.
Based on the rating that the ESRB recently posted out, the game title "Max Payne" received an "M" for mature rating for violence and blood, and it is only listed for PS 4, according to the source.
In recent news, Sony has made an announcement that stated that the company is intending to bring over PlayStation 2 games to the technologically advanced PS 4 console, as stated by the Den of Geek.
It announced that the PS 4 is capable of emulating PlayStation 2 titles, which could only mean that a surge of classic games from around a decade ago could be ported to the new console sometime soon, as reported by the source.
In addition, Shushei Yoshida also recently announced that the host of PlayStation 2 games that are made available to fans playable on the PS4 can be purchased from the PlayStation Store in North and South America, and in Europe, as stated by the Day Herald.
As of the moment, there are already eight games that have been listed by Sony to have been ported to the PS 4 available for purchase by fans, such as "Dark Cloud", "The Mark of Kiri", "Rogue Galaxy", "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas", and more, according to IGN.
"I'm excited to announce that starting tomorrow, you will be able to purchase and play PS2 games on your PS4 via PlayStation Store in the Americas and Europe," posted by Shushei Yoshida, President of SCE WorldWide Studios, courtesy of PlayStation Blog.