4 Alternative Uses Of Natural Honey

Honey is a versatile ingredient used in many recipes. It can be nutty, fruity, and even spicy as bees shop for nectar from nearby flowers. Aside from its dietary benefits, research shows that honey has other situational and positive applications. Here are some other ways where you can benefit from having the sweet substance at hand:
For Memory
Some research suggests that honey can help develop both short-term and long-term memory. This can be particularly effective for menopausal and postmenopausal women. For one study, postmenopausal women were given tualang honey treatments for several weeks. The participants were noted to have gained improvement in their immediate memory comparable to when they were given estrogen and progestin hormone therapy.
For Burns
Burns applied with honey can receive a soothing effect. It may also prevent infections as a result of the burn and reduce the healing time for recovery making it a useful salve in certain situations. A study compared the effect of honey dressing and silver sulfadiazene (SSD) dressing on wound healing in burn patients. The results revealed that wounds dabbed with honey were sterile in less time, healed quicker, and didn't leave as much scarring compared to a different treatment.
For Diabetes
The glycemic index is a rating system of assigning a number to food based on how much it increases blood sugar. Honey scores a lower glycemic index than sugar making it less likely to spike blood sugar levels as quickly. Due to its sweet quality, it can also replace sugar as a sweetener for certain recipes.
For Fertility
There is mixed evidence that honey has the potential to boost fertility for both men and women. In 2013, two separate studies using rats were conducted in Nigeria. One study showed that honey increased the sperm count of male rats. However, the other study found that too much honey can also have a negative effect on a rat's fertility.
For a convenient honey option, you can avail of a discounted pack of Nature Propolis at KPTown with extract that comes in a spray and drop bottle container. The set comes in a small (2) and big (12) box package for $70.00. Consult with your doctor first before directly applying honey to the skin.