Members Of KARA Reunite After 6 Years To Commemorate Their 15th Anniversary

Kamilia's were recently treated with an amazing surprise. The former members of KARA went on to update their personal Instagram page's with group photos.
For the very first time, Heo Youngji was seen with Kang Jiyoung and Nicole Jung. The former joined the group via a selection program while Kang Jiyoung and Nicole Jung left KARA to focus on solo careers. Regardless, the members seem to be vibing.
The photos were uploaded to celebrate the girls' 15th debut anniversary. Although their proper anniversary falls on March 29, the girls only managed to gather in June. Along with touching captions, the girls uploaded a series of gorgeous photos.
Notably, the members of KARA also captioned each group photo they respectively posted.
Park Gyuri's caption was immensely sweet as she said:
"In honor of KARA's 15th anniversary, we all gathered in congratulations. It was the first time that everyone who had promoted under the KARA name celebrated, talked, and laughed together, and as we comforted each other through our feelings of resignation, we found new hope that we could all be a little happier.
Congratulations once more on Kamilia day, and KARA's 15th anniversary. I'm always grateful and I love you."
Furthermore, Seungyeon and Youngji shared their sentiments regarding KARA's 15th anniversary.
Han Seungyeon explained, "You guys have waited for a long time, right? Congratulations on Kamilia day! Congrats on the 15th anniversary, #Kamilia and #KARA! Thank you and Congratulations!"
"KAMILIA DAY and KARA's 15th anniversary. Congratulations and thank you," Heo Youngji noted.
Lastly, Jiyoung and Nicole Jung decided to keep their captions simple, yet elegant.
Kang Jiyoung captioned her post: "Happy Kamilia Day!"
While Nicole Jung simply said: "Kamilia Day."
Though fans did not get the comeback they were hoping for, Kamilias are happy to see the members of KARA together once again.