Did Dispatch Reveal AOA’s Mina And Jimin Are In Good Terms Prior To Bullying Revelations?

More than a year since Kwon Mina stepped forward to reveal the alleged bullying in AOA, Dispatch revealed a transcript of messages shared between the members, specifically Mina and Jimin.
Checking out the transcript, it can be noted that the messages shared between Mina and Jimin in April 2020 suggest rather a fairly good relationship between the two members.
It is important to note that April 3rd, 2020 was the day that the father of AOA's Jimin died. The following day, the family held the funeral. Based on the transcript, Mina attended the funeral of Jimin's father.
Additionally, the transcript of Mina and Jimin's messages on April 4th suggests that the latter apologized leading to the two of them reconciling. Mina's message also suggests that Jimin hugged her on that day.
Based on the transcript from Dispatch, Mina texted Jimin saying, "...don't get hurt anymore. Let's stay healthy. Thank you unnie [older sister] for hugging me." To which Jimin replied, "I love you Mina!"
Kwon Mina then went on to apologize and thanked Jimin as well saying, "...sorry and thank you unnie. Hug me tight next time!" Jimin agreed and told Mina not to get hurt.
A few days since their conversation, Jimin called Mina from time to time.
On May 12th, 2020, Mina apologized to Jimin for not answering the phone, explaining that she was going through rough times the past few days. The two then planned to meet up in the following weeks. Jimin also tried to check up on her member and Mina replied, "Unnie, I don't think I'm crazy these days. Hehe"
In July 2020, Mina opened up about the bullying she experienced while being a member of AOA.
One year after her revelations, the AOA member once again made headlines after she was found unconscious after allegedly making an attempt to take her own life at her home. Fortunately, Mina was taken to the hospital immediately and was saved from a life-threatening situation.
On August 4, Mina returned to Instagram after recovering from her suicide attempt.