'Dragon Ball FighterZ' Major Update Changes & Details: New Modes, A Lot Of Tweaks And Additions Revealed

Bandai Namco dropped a significant update for Dragon Ball FighterZ on May 9, and it includes a lot of new additions and improvements. The much-notable change in the game is the coming of new game modes called "FighterZ Cup" and "Party Battle."
Dragon Ball FighterZ's "FighterZ Cup" is a monthly game that will be joined by different players around the world. These players have to fight each other to earn points for Z-Union. The "Party Battle," on the other hand, needs to have the cooperation of different players to take down the big boss together. Only a few details are known about the new features, but Bandai Namco promised to reveal more information in the future.
After Bandai Namco added Fuzed Zamasu and Super Saiyan Blue Vegetto, the new update also carried some balance adjustments to a lot of Dragon Ball FighterZ's characters. Game Spot reported Krillin will now always throw a rock for his Z Assist. But, if the player "inputs left" the moment he appears on screen, the length of the shock Z Assist's hit will be increased.
Additionally, Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta's "On a Scale of One to Ten, I'll Give You a Three" attack now underwent some tweaks. Now, he can quickly grab an enemy in Dragon Ball FighterZ. Beerus' down-medium attack's recovery frame has also been reduced, while other prominent characters like Adult Gohan and Android 16 now have nerfs.
The significant update also addresses Dragon Ball FighterZ's bugs, which are either "character-specific or situational." The game's developer, Arc System Works, now fixed the character's problem when using Z Reflect in specific attacks. It has been known some of the game's characters are losing their ability to move correctly when using this move - just like Android 16's Hell Flash.
Arc System Works also fixed the issues in Dragon Ball FighterZ's Training Mode. To find the update's full patch notes and tweaks, visit Bandai Namco's website. Meanwhile, Super Saiyan Blue Vegetto's addition in the game is not yet formally announced by Bandai Namco, but Otaku Art confirmed he is coming. Also, the new DLC addition's price is not yet revealed, but as Bardock and Broly are priced at $5 each, it could be the same.