Samsung Galaxy X Rumors: Flexible Folding Phone Might Finally Get Revealed Soon

Samsung is certainly bringing one of its highly-awaited revolutionary phone designs into the fold, as rumors regarding the Samsung Galaxy X surface. The said phone is otherwise known as the folding or flexible phone, which, as you may have guessed, is a smartphone that can bend without breaking.
Samsung Galaxy X may be slated for unveiling soon after being kept under wraps for quite a while. Anonymous insider sources have claimed that Samsung may be planning for the Galaxy X to be revealed early in 2019—specifically right during the 2019 Mobile World Congress (MWC) trade show where a lot of new things are unveiled.
It is worth noting that this is just for a reveal and not a release since right now, no one can prove that the Samsung Galaxy X's design is viable and is progressing well. After all, it is quite a monumental engineering feat to have a bending flexible smartphone. Should Samsung be able to pull it off, then it will certainly kick off a new trend in the phone design this generation and might even be the next big standard thing.
Additionally, South Korean news outlet The Bell reports that Samsung has allegedly changed the Samsung Galaxy X's codename from "Valley" to "Winner," and this could indicate the tech giant's confidence in the current design. Production could also soon begin and depending on how things go, the 2019 reveal speculation for the smartphone could be plausible.
Sadly, for those expecting mass production for everyone to get their hands on the futuristic design, the Samsung Galaxy X is expected to be limited in supply initially. This is because it's practicality and use remains to be tested before actual widespread usability is confirmed. Basically, the phone is more of a novelty at this point, and it practicality still depends on how well Samsung engineers it or if it really is a necessary design.
Still, Samsung is confident that foldable smartphones are definitely on the way and is now more of a question of when instead of if, meaning it is only a matter of time before someone comes up with the first working model. So, for those looking for a new phone or bored with the current design, you might want to hold your smartphone expenses for the Samsung Galaxy X.