Are You K-Pop Addict?

K-pop has been a craze not only in South Korea but also in other Asian countries as well as in the U.S. Many claims to be a K-pop fan but how can you really say that you are a certified K-pop addict? There is a variety of ways to confirm that you are a K-pop maniac. Here are some of the signs:
1. K-pop song
This could be the ultimate indicator that you are a K-pop fan. If you know at least one or two K-pop song or dance, then you are indeed a K-pop enthusiast.
2. Taking pictures with "V" or "heart" finger sign
This is another sign that you are certified a K-pop fan. If you do either of these two signs when taking a selfie or a group snap, then you are one of the millions of fans of K-pop idols.
3. Eager to learn the Korean language
You have been practicing your Korean language skills throughout the day because you want to be ready in case your K-pop idol suddenly answer your social media post. The best way to impress him is to respond in their native language. You may also want to learn the Korean language because you can no longer wait for the English subtitle of your favorite K-drama. Either way, it only proves that you are a K-pop geek.
4. Your dose of drugs
If others have a not-so-legal form of everyday dose, yours is anything about K-pop. If you can't live a day without hearing your fav K-pop song or watch a K-drama, then you are an addict of K-pop.
5. You have a "bias"
If you have known the meaning of "bias" other than the one provided in the dictionary, then you are certified K-pop fan. In Korean pop culture lingo, "bias" means your favorite Korean actor, whom you will support no matter what.
6. Enlist in the military
If all of a sudden you found interest in military life, probably it is because you feel devastated when your favorite K-pop idol just entered Korea's mandatory military service. Perhaps, you're also a member of BTS' Army and you want to embody the word to another notch by enlisting to the military yourself.
7. Weird vocab
If you know K-pop terms such Hallyu, bodyrolls, oppa, chocolate abs, and CF, then you are a K-pop fan. Moreover, you also describe body shaped using letters now, congratulations you are a certified K-pop addict.
8. Oppa goal
If you still choose to be single because you are waiting to meet the K-pop oppa of your dream, then you are an avid fan of K-pop.
9. Colorful hair color
You wish to be noticed by your favorite K-pop idol hence you dyed your hair with pink or blue hair color and matched it with some cute outfit. The hairstyle doesn't suit you, but who cares, right?
10. Korean food
You pretend to love all Korean food, even though you can't stand one of their best food - kimchi.