France Acid Attack: Victimized Four American Students; Not An Act Of Terrorism

An acid attack happened in the French city of Marseille. The victims are four young American women and said to be Boston College students who are studying abroad. However, the authorities did not suspect any form of terrorism in the said attack.
Since there is no terrorism involve on the said attack, the authorities already caught the suspect. It is said to be a female with the age of 41 and the authorities mentioned that she has a history of mental health problems. Thus, the police were able to catch her at the scene.
The victims are Charlotte Kaufman, Courtney Siverling, and Michelle Krug. The three of them are enrolled in the college's Paris program. The fourth victim is identified as Kesley Korsten who studies at the Copenhagen Business School in Denmark, according to USA Today.
Thus, the director of the college's Office of International Programs. Nick Gozik said that "It appears that the students are fine, considering the circumstances, though they may require additional treatment for burns." The women were treated immediately for burns at the Marseille hospital and released afterward. Two of the victims suffered facial injuries and one of the two has a possibility to have an eye injury.
A spokesperson from Marseille prosecutor's office told the Associated Press that the two remaining victims, they are hospitalized for shock. The Paris prosecutor's office said that it is counter-terrorism division had not assumed jurisdiction for the attack. Thus, they have the responsibility for all the terror-related case in France.
Meanwhile, Nick Gozik added that "It appears that the students are fine, considering the circumstances, though they may require additional treatment for burns. We have been in contact with the students and their parents and remain in touch with French officials and the U.S. Embassy regarding the incident."
As follows, the La Provence reported that the police described the attacker as mentally unstable. She remained at the scene to show the offices images of herself with burns. The police did not release her name, according to Washington Post.