'Big Brother 19' Spoilers: Did Paul and Kevin Agree to Split 'Big Brother' Prize Money?

"Big Brother 19" has wowed fans with the various wild deals and alliances going on this season. Now, a former partnership between Paul and Kevin, which was thought to be dead, may yet be revived with the revelation of a sneaky previous agreement.
Spoilers ahead. If you don't want to learn what's going to happen in the "Big Brother 19" on-air cut, don't read any further.
The wise, fatherly Kevin is a "Big Brother 19" fan-favorite. Kevin is someone who has made a mark on viewers by sharing his life experiences and worldly advice to the other house guests. He inspired people with stirring stories about his struggle growing up on the streets of Boston.
Like the other house guests, Kevin was competing to win the $500,000 prize. But did the streetwise dad with many mouths to feed actually have a lower prize in mind all along?
Viewers are aware that Kevin and Paul had once agreed to a Final Two deal. But one aspect previously undisclosed to the audience was the fact that Kevin had agreed to split the "Big Brother" prize money with Paul, and that he would be happy with $150,000 after they finish first and second.
Remember that early in the season, returning player Paul lost little time in making an alliance with Kevin. He saw, correctly, that Kevin was a natural at the social game, and could get the other house guests to open up to him. That was a great help to Paul, who was always getting Kevin to give him useful information about the other players. Neither Kevin nor Paul said anything about splitting the "Big Brother" prize money at the time.
Like so many "Big Brother" alliances, the partnership lasted about as long a fist bump. BuddyTV opines that Paul has completely turned away from Kevin. But with Kevin on the block and Paul gifted with the Power of Veto [POV], their old agreement may prove durable after all. Kevin asked Paul to hold back the POV and allow the eviction of Alex. On some level, Kevin believes that his deal with Paul to split the prize money remains in play.
"Big Brother" prize money deals have been frowned upon by the production in the previous seasons. Given their uncharacteristic silence, there may be something else going on that we don't know about. CinemaBlend is predicting a double eviction.