'Game of Thrones' Season 7 Spoilers: Tormund Had An Affair With Lyanna Mormont's Mother?

With the release of the "Game of Thrones" Season 7 world premiere last Sunday, many fan theories have emerged about the relationships between the characters Lyanna Mormont and wildling Tormund Giantsbane. Fans believe that the wildling may be Lady Lyanna's long lost father.
According to a report, fans connected statement made by Tormund in one of the earlier seasons of "Game of Thrones" wherein he shared he was once intimate with a bear. Many believe that the bear he was referring to was indeed Maege Mormont, the mother of Lyanna.
The reference to the bear may be due to the Mormonts belonging to Bear Island. It was speculated that Tormund may have carried out their affair in the forest between Bear Island and the home of the free folk. It can be recalled that in "Game of Thrones" Season 6, Lyanna mentioned her mother when he was deciding whether or not to join the Starks in their crusade against Ramsey Bolton. She mentioned that her mother was no great beauty but she was a warrior. It was believed that Maege was among those who died at the Red Wedding where Robb Stark and his allies were ambushed by Walder Frey in an epic betrayal.
Another hint that Tormund and Lyanna's relationship could run to something deeper was a post shared by actor Kristofer Hivju, who plays Tormund Giantsbane in "Game of Thrones" on Instagram which was a selfie of himself and Bella Ramsey, the actress who plays Lyanna while goofing around on set.
In his post, Hivju praised Bella for her excellent portrayal of the young Northern leader and said that there were many things to expect in "Game of Thrones" Season 7. While there have only been a few scenes shared by the two actors, it is expected that there will be more interactions between the two characters in future episodes.