'Star Wars Episode IX:' Bittersweet For Trevorrow; Luke Skywalker To Boast A Deadly Ability In 'Episode VIII?'

Director Colin Trevorrow is definitely on Cloud 9 as he is tapped to helm "Star Wars Episode IX." However, he recently revealed that such opportunity gave him mixed emotions as there are some small sacrifices that he had to make in directing the final movie of the franchise's third trilogy.
In an interview with Empire's Film Podcast as cited by MovieWeb, Trevorrow stated that albeit the excitement of directing "Star Wars Episode IX," the said experience still saddens him quite a bit. He further explained that he will no longer experience the film just like a typical movie fan does. He also recalled the time when he went to see "Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens" with his kid including the part where they both read the opening crawl. Nevertheless, he pointed out that "he wouldn't trade it" now that the opportunity to contribute something to the lore is at hand.
Details about "Star Wars Episode IX" will obviously be kept under wraps as its release date is well way off. However, it was already announced early on that Carrie Fisher's iconic role as Princess Leia Organa will no longer be part of the film adding that her character's absence will be dealt with much "love and respect."
Meanwhile, new rumor mills are spinning as of late about Luke Skywalker's (Mark Hamill) new Force ability as it will be included in EA's "Star Wars Battlefront 2." Moreover, Express stated that the upcoming game sequel will be a canon and is now believed that the mentioned ability might be seen in "Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi."
Dubbed as Force Repulse, the said ability will let Luke gather as much Force inside him and release it in the form of a powerful energy blast that can potentially vaporize enemies within its range. Moreover, it is said that Hamill did a scene in "Star Wars Episode VIII" where he only stood and did nothing and is now believed to be the scene where he executes the deadly blast.
"Star Wars Episode IX" will be released in May 2019 while "Episode VIII" will be due December this year. Check out a video about the films here: