‘Far Cry 5’ News & Update:To Come With Life-Like Characters, World

A few days back, game developer Ubisoft released the official trailer to "Far Cry 5," turning the entire gaming industry by a pleasant surprise. As per the announcement made by the company, the upcoming action-game series is going pack life-like characters and environment. Moreover, Ubisoft is expected to launch the "Far Cry 5" at the E3 event scheduled to take place next month.
According to a report published by Telegiz, Ubisoft in its effort to explore the different aspects that it can extend through the game, "Far Cry 5" has ensured that the players get a unique experience with the new and upcoming game.
In fact, Ubisoft Executive Producer Dan Hay in an interview with PlayStation Lifestyle further went on to suggest the different aspects that will be different in the upcoming "Far Cry 5" in comparison to the games released before. He reportedly said that while he can't give any official confirmation, he suggested that the game developer is now focusing on making it larger-than-life for the players. He further added by saying that more details will be revealed at the E3 event schedule to take place next month.
Further adding to whatever is existing, he emphasized upon Ubisoft's goal to create the world in "Far Cry 5" that is life-life and as believable as possible. He even recently posted a note that suggested that it's a new technology that the game is based on and not AI.
Hay said that real-life characters have a personality. They function as per what their personality's traits are like. Keeping this in mind, the team behind "Far Cry 5" has been able to develop a similar feeling in the game. It has also been announced that other Ubisoft games such as 'Assassin's Creed: Origins,' 'South Park: The Fractured But Whole,' and 'The Crew' will be launched at the event.