Watch a Killer Sea Lion Drag a Little Girl Into The Water; Gets Saved by Brave Man

May 21st, 2017: On the 20th of May 2017, residents of Richmond B.C Canada got a surprise visit from a friendly looking sea lion. The sea lion seemingly came out of nowhere when everybody at the Stevenston Fisherman's Wharf was going about their day. People soon spotted the massive creature and began recording it.
Watch the video directly starting from the attack, using this link.
A footage uploaded by Michael Fujiwara showcases the sea lion on the Wharf, casually swimming around and going about its day. People seem to love the Sea Lion's presence and many can be heard gasping as well.
Soon a little girl spots the sea lion and comes running towards it. Everything seems fine as it even seems that the sea lion wants to play with the little girl. We as people need to realize that these are wild animals and can change their course of action within the next split-second, something people around the little girl and the sea lion completely forgot.
The sea lion's first attempt to grab hold of the girl is simply seen as an effort to play/interact. The little girl as well as many other people, reach their hands out to the sea lion in an attempt to touch it, which needless to say was a very bad idea.
The girl the proceeds to sit down on the Wharf to get a closer look at the sea lion, and this is when things get crazy. Out of nowhere, this sea lion reaches out of the water, grabs the girl and pulls her underwater in a matter of seconds.
The killer sea lion can be seen coming out of the water and grabbing the girl by her dress to pull her back in. Thanks to the quick thinking of one gentleman, the little girl was saved. The man can be seen jumping into the water and pulling the little girl to safety.
No one was injured, at least by the looks of it and there was no sign of the sea lion again. The identity of the savior is still unknown but our best wishes to the brave man. You, sir, are a true hero.