North Korea’s Ballistic Missile Test Fails

In a surprising turn of events, North Korea test-fired a short-range, non-nuclear ballistic missile early on Saturday. According to reports, the test failed as the weapon exploded soon after launch. This test launch comes after the recent unrest created by North Korea's recent actions.
Experts have confirmed that the missile tested, was only capable of reaching Seoul but not Japan. According to a CNBC report, the U.S had a warning about the missile test beforehand and the top officials of the country were watching the missile test closely.
The test occurred around 5:30 am local time, and according to the South Korean military officials, the missile was launched towards the East Sea in the North East of North Korea. The official was also quoted saying "Currently, we are closely monitoring North Korea's further military provocation and are totally ready to meet any and all kinds of provocation"
According to another report, the U.S Pacific Command assured its people, that the missile did not leave the North Korean territory. The Pacific Command also confirmed that the North American Aerospace Defence command had assessed the launch to be harmless to the North American continent.
Government officials confirmed that the Trump administration, as well as Donald Trump were aware of the situation. President Trump was earlier talking about how the chances of peace with North Korea were slowly fading away. Although the President has also time and again stressed on the fact that he would rather prefer a diplomatic solution with North Korea.
Meanwhile, Kevin McCarthy, who is the House Majority Leader Representative said on Thursday that the chamber plans on holding a voting session on sanctions next week and the purpose would be to target North Korea's Slave trade in abroad and their shipping industry.