[UPDATE] ‘The Flash’ Season 3, Episode 20 Promo, Spoilers, Synopsis: Team Flash Vs Killer Frost

The key to stopping Savitar is a scientist named Tracy Brand. Barry and his team must meet the scientist to know more, but there is a problem. The promo for "The Flash" Season 3, Episode 20 revolves around what happens in "I Know Who You Are."
Warning: This article contains spoilers from "The Flash" Season 3 installments. Read if you wish to know more.
According to the official synopsis for "The Flash" Season 3, Episode 20, a scientist by the name of Tracy Brand can be an important person to help stop Savitar's wrath. Team Flash meet the scientist to figure out the ways to stop the villain. However, Team Flash is not the only one looking for Brand, but Killer Frost is also after the scientist. Now, Barry and others must fight one of their own to save Brand. It is difficult for Cisco to go up against Killer Frost. Meanwhile, Cecile and Joe's relationship takes a turn. Update: The promo trailer for "The Flash" Season 3, Episode 20 is below.
"The Flash" Season 3, Episode 20 Official Synopsis: "Barry (Grant Gustin) and the team meet Tracy Brand (guest star Anne Dudek), a scientist, who may be the key to stopping Savitar. Unfortunately, Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker) is also after Tracy so Team Flash must battle their old friend, which proves to be particularly difficult for Cisco (Carlos Valdes). Joe (Jesse L. Martin) and Cecile's (guest star Danielle Nicolet) relationship takes a big turn."
Note: The promo for "The Flash" Season 3, Episode 20 will be uploaded after the conclusion of Season 3, Episode 19 entitled "The Once and Future Flash." Stay tuned for the update.
Stay tuned for more spoilers, news and updates for "The Flash" Season 3. Share your views with Korea Portal about the new episode in the section below. "The Flash" Season 3, Episode 20 is scheduled to air on Tuesday, May 2 on CW.
Credit: YouTube/tvpromosdb