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Silicon Valley Could Help World Leaders Provide Better Standards Of Living Through Advanced Technology

by Diana Tomale / Nov 20, 2015 12:04 AM EST
(Photo by: Christian Rondeau / Flickr) More and more world leaders visit Silicon Valley.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the United States in September for his two-day tour in Silicon Valley.

The Indian prime minister was able to meet tech experts and was able to roam around Tesla Motors. Modi's meeting with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Apple CEO Tim Cook were the highlights of his visit in the country.

According to a report by The Washington Post on Sep. 27, the Indian leader's visit at the Silicon Valley is an indication of the "rising influence and economic power wielded by this technology hotbed."

Reports have revealed that other world leaders also recognize the role of Silicon Valley in providing better ways of living through advanced technology.

Aside from Modi, leaders from different countries have included Silicon Valley stopovers to their US trips. Leaders from Japan, Brazil, Ireland, Israel and Russia were among who those who have visited the region.

According to a professor at Stanford University, leaders from all over the world want to discover from Silicon Valley firms with the hopes of introducing it in their countries.

"They see Silicon Valley as a center of innovation and are trying to understand it and what it would take to re-create that in their country," said  William F. Miller.

Time reported on Oct. 20 that Modi's tour came after Chinese President Xin Jinping held a tech forum in Seattle, Washington. During the event, the Chinese president reportedly highlighted the importance of technology in China's economy, manufacturing and in the academe.

Further reports have revealed that just like other leaders who have visited the US, Jinping used the tour to encourage technology executives in the country.

Meanwhile, a report by Accenture reveals that increased utilization of technology could add $1.36 trillion to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the world's 10 biggest economies by 2020.

The report also suggests that governments and business sectors must come up with digital technology plans that would result to growth prospects.

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