'Overwatch' Leaked Photos Of Upcoming Event Making Rounds Online; Nintendo Switch Port Hinted

After winning a legal battle against German bot maker Bossland, Blizzard looks like it's prepping up in rolling out a new content for "Overwatch." Leaks are now suggesting that new skins will be shown off to its player base via their upcoming game event dubbed "Omnic Uprising."
Apart from previous leaks and hints about "Overwatch's" past events, the "Omnic Uprising" will showcase the original team of combatants donning their squad costumes. Moreover, it is said that the upcoming event will also feature the young Tracer back when she was still a rookie in the team, Forbes reported.
Keen-eyed fans of the game took snapshots of the said image before people over at Xbox Live thought of bringing it down. The spy shot has been making rounds online ever since, and quite a number of players are now expecting the leaked content.
Such content has been featured by the time "Overwatch" was released in 2016. First ever uniforms of both Reaper and Soldier: 76 were offered as pre-order promos for the game. Additionally, a couple of Ana's skins have been rolled out when she was introduced into the multiplayer shooter.
Game Director Jeff Kaplan, on the other hand, stressed the possibility of porting "Overwatch" to the Nintendo Switch. However, Kaplan pointed out that it's not yet on their priority list as of the moment. The game director further explained that maintaining the title to run on three platforms - PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC is indeed a strenuous feat and adding a fourth one into the fray will make it even more difficult, according to Gamespot.
However, Kaplan highlighted that albeit it was mentioned that porting the game to a new platform is not in the works, this does not mean that they will not let Switch gamers to experience "Overwatch" on their hybrid platform. Check out a video about the upcoming "Omnic Uprising" event here: