‘Brawlout’ Fighter Game Coming To PS4 & Xbox One Consoles In 3rd Quarter Of 2017

The Super Smash Bros-inspired competitive platform fighter game, the "Brawlout" is coming to the consoles this year. The Angry Mob Games have announced that the game is expected to debut in the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in the third quarter of 2017.
The "Brawlout" game was first announced last year and initially expected to be released in the first quarter of this year. However, it seems some delay happens to move the games launching date a little later. As of now, the game is currently in Closed Beta and patches are being made frequently to improve the game.
The Angry Mob Games' "Brawlout" is technically a Smash Bros-inspired game. It's an eight-player platform fighter which the members of the animal kingdom replace members of the extended Nintendo universe. The source cited that a variety of species are fighting for the 'pride of their people' and promises to live up to the features everyone loves about Smash - ergo, the tight mechanics and fluid animation style.
"With the gorgeous animated style, the six playable characters with unique skills, special attacks, new combo options, more movement abilities and advanced tech moves, we are excited to announce our Early Access launch of the Brawlout game." Bogdan Iliesiu said, CEO of Angry Mob Games.
Each character will handle totally differently and have a variety of fighting styles at their disposal. Of course, the game will support local multiplayer and features a full single-player campaign.
There are still only five characters in the game; Olaf Tyson, King Apu the primate, Chief Feathers the bird, Sephi'ra, and Paco the amphibian. According to PlayStation Life Style, the game developer will add another new character, Volt. Before it arrives on Xbox and PlayStation consoles, this coming April 20, the Angry Mob Games will launch the "Brawlout" game in Steam with retail price $20 USD.