‘The Walking Dead’ Showrunner Says Glenn’s Return is ‘Certainly Possible’

“The Walking Dead” showrunner, Scott Gimple, reveals Glenn’s return in the series could happen. One of the most devastating episodes of the series was witnessing his death so being able to see him again will definitely cheer up the fans. The show is currently close to the end of season 7 and the following season is scheduled to air in October.
Although there is no official announcement yet about Glenn’s return, Gimple is not entirely closing his doors with the possibility of his comeback. In one of his interviews, he was asked if there was any way for Glenn Rhee to return to the series and he said it's “certainly possible. I’d be silly to say it isn’t”
If this is true, this wouldn’t be the first time it has happened in “The Walking Dead”. It can be remembered that Sarah Wayne Callies also returned after her death to play hallucination parts of Lori as well as Michael Cudlitz who appeared in several episodes of season 7 despite the death of his character in season 7 premiere. So there is also the possibility that Glenn’s return wouldn’t really be in human form but could be through a hallucination of Maggie.
If Glenn was to return as an imagination of Maggie, fans are worried how it will affect her health and her pregnancy. The last thing they want is to see Maggie suffering more than she already has which is very dangerous especially now. The good news is Gimple said Maggie will not be giving birth by Season 8.
Although things seem to be moving fast in the series, but not a lot of time has passed. This means Maggie will still be in the early months of her pregnancy, allowing her to move more freely and fight off zombies in “The Walking Dead” story.