‘The Walking Dead’ Spoilers: Glenn Not Dead? Speculations Arise From Latest Episode!

Is Glenn Rhee dead? Michael Traynor's Nicholas and Steven Yuen's Glenn closed the third episode of the sixth season of "The Walking Dead" entitled "Thank You."
Nicholas, according to The Walking Dead Enthusiasts, ended up falling off from the garbage truck with Glenn to a herd of walkers as Nicholas shot himself. This episode showed, if viewers watched it closely, Glenn fell first with Nicholas falling shortly after.
More so, based on the avid fans' realization and said to be next episode's spoiler, Nicholas' body fell on top of Glenn. This would safeguard him to the walkers. The Walking Dead's third episode was a bit different from the other as if there is a death, there would be no confusion as to if the character is dead or not.
Having seen Glenn's death, there was a gunshot scene first, done by Nicholas. After which, they both fell off to ocean of walkers but it was not shown how Glenn's body has been ripped open. While walkers appeared to be eating Glenn's innards, viewers can assume it could be Nicholas' as as he fell on top of Glenn, The Walking Dead Enthusiasts reported.
Another possible sequence and spoiler is that the episode's closing scene was Nicholas' hallucination. It could be Nicholas' delusion, as he is mentally challenged, when Glenn and himself was trapped on top of a dumpster surrounded by thousands of walkers. From this, we can assume that no one was dead, Hollywood Reporter said.
For said episode, Nicholas and Glenn struggle to find a building where they can get away from a whole bunch of walkers. Nicholas, being played by Michael Traynor, had experienced break downs. He, according to Hollywood Reporter, was the same person who's responsible for Noah's death, being portrayed by Tyler James Williams.
Meanwhile, supporters of the TV series were a bit saddened as one for their favorite character and the group's moral compass seemed to be dead. Fans are more excited to see the next episode of The Walking Dead season 6 as avid viewers want to confirm which of the spoilers are said to be true.