‘Pokemon Go’ and ‘Pokemon Sun and Moon’: Nintendo Celebrates Pokemon Day!

Nintendo 3DS players will soon get a chance to catch special legendary Pokemon Shiny Tapu Koko in Japan. The company planned to release a new "Pokemon Go" and "Pokemon Sun and Moon" update. In this update, the company will release the shiny little legendary Pokemon through a serial code and the players can get the code from 7-11 stores in their country.
For the time, the company is releasing a legendary Pokemon and the fans are overwhelming and sharing their excitement on forums like Serebii. Previously the company even held many events for catching numerous legendary Pokemon, but this is the first time that the company is releasing a legendary Pokemon in "Pokemon Go" and "Pokemon Sun and Moon". This special event marks the 21st of the company's Pokemon game release in Japan.
In order to mark the 21st celebration of Pokemon in Japan, the company is offering legendary Pokemon Shiny Tapu Koko. But unlocking a legendary Pokemon is not enough for the over-excited fans, the company even planned to offer a special Pikachu. The players can catch this special Pikachu till March 6. In the latest "Pokemon Go" and "Pokemon Sun and Moon update", the new Pikachu will be seen wearing a party hat.
The celebration is not limited to just distributing Shiny Tapu Koko and party hat wearing Pikachu, but the players will also get a Bottle Cap which will enable them to participate at the GameStop stores. The players can even be upgraded to special promotions on Pokemon Shuffle for their gaming console through "Pokemon Go" and "Pokemon Sun and Moon," as per Siliconera.
This latest event will be held with a peach and black appearance rather than a traditional orange and yellow color. Once the players can complete the "Pokemon Go" and "Pokemon sun and Moon" story, the Shiny Tapu Koko can be found at the altar in the Ruins of Conflict. The rest of the worlds' players can redeem their codes once the exclusive event will be organized in Japan. The company even disclosed that the codes will work regardless of the region.