Siemens Presents First Energy Highway From Oaxaca To Mexico City

As a result of the energy reform that allows to develop the transmission and distribution infrastructure of electricity and to increase the coverage, Siemens presented the first project of motorways energetic with HVDC technology, that will go of Oaxaca to the City of Mexico.
Alejandro Preinfalk, vice president of Energy Management, Building Technologies & Mobility of Siemens, stressed that this first line of electrical transmission, in which Siemens seeks to participate when it tendered, would provide more than 16 million homes.
In addition to the highway will detonate industrialization and economic growth by 20 percent in the areas where it will pass, highlighted the manager of Siemens.
He explained that "through HVDC technology, power plants made up of hundreds of wind turbines can be connected to shore power networks safely, reliably and without damage to the environment."
In addition, the company said that "the project of the first high-voltage direct current transmission line will carry electricity created with the wind from Oaxaca to Mexico City and its Metropolitan Zone."
This is one of the most ambitious projects in this area, as it will be the first time there is an energy highway in Mexico, one of the achievements that will make this sector more competitive and with a greater attraction of investments.
According to Alejandro Preinfalk, energy will be transported through high voltage cables for a distance of 600 linear kilometers with three thousand megawatts of high voltage direct current.The project contemplates an estimated investment of 1.7 billion dollars and will start operating in 2020.
according to the company, "one of the most important challenges for the electricity sector is to increase the efficiency, availability, reliability and security of the systems through the deployment of smart grids, reducing losses."
The National Infrastructure Plan for 2014-2018 plans to develop seven electric transmission highways with high voltage direct current technology and an investment of 22 billion pesos.
In this sense, "through HVDC technology will achieve the interconnection to the electrical system of clean technologies in the country's energy matrix," Preinfalk said.
Thus, a national network of transmission lines will be developed and expanded to offer alternative routes and to bring electricity from generation areas to those in demand in the country.