North Korea Turning Against Kim Jong-un?

In addition to generating thousands of memes, Kim Jong-one is gradually gaining more enemies within the elite of North Korea. Thae Yong-Ho, former number two in the North Korean Embassy in the UK, said that the country's elite are increasingly opposing their leader, and the regime he leads.
In August 2016, Thae moved to South Korea, and there she has been speaking to the media to explain why she has abandoned the Kim Jong-un regime. They claim that when Kim Jong-un came to power "rational hoped it would take to save North Korea decisions of poverty, but lost confidence when I saw that had high charges for improper reasons."
Thae also ensures that there is growing criticism of the regime of Kim Jong-un, something that was previously unthinkable. He explains it with a phrase that perfectly summarizes what is happening in his country, "We have to pour gas on North Korea and let the people set on fire." "Critics or low-level dissenters with the regime, until recently unthinkable, are becoming more and more frequent," said Thae, who speaks fluent English with a British accent.
"We have to pour gas on North Korea and let the North Korean people set fire to it," said Thae, who has justified his desertion because of his discontent with the management of Kim Jong-un. His two sons, who are of college age, and his wife have also defected with him.
Do not forget that the two Koreas are still technically at war. The conflict between 1950 and 1953 was settled with a truce, but not with a peace treaty. The country ruled by Kim Jong-un has been sanctioned by the United Nations, for its nuclear program and missiles, having threatened to do away with South Korea and the United States.
Thae said that the current North Korean system "is nothing like the real communism", and declares that more diplomats in Europe are waiting for then defecting to South Korea. As we see, there are more and more voices that rebel to Kim Jong-un, and we will have to wait to know how this complex rebellion ends.