NBA Player Lamar Odom Reportedly Found Unconscious In Nevada Brothel; Estranged Wife And Reality TV Star Khloe Kardashian To Make Medical Decisions For Ex-Husband

NBA star Lamar Odom was reportedly found unconscious at the Love Ranch brothel in Crystal, Nevada on Tuesday where he allegedly spent $75,000 in three days, reported CNN on Friday.
Employees at the brothel claimed the basketball player took cocaine on his first day at Love Ranch, while another woman claimed she witnessed Odom ingesting 10 herbal supplement tablets during his three-day stay.
Odom was found unconscious on his bed by the brothel's employees, with pinkish fluid oozing out his mouth and nose, and immediately called 911.
According to LA Times on Thursday, what Odom took was a mixture of cocaine, alcohol and herbal sexual stimulants that led him at a Las Vegas hospital on Tuesday fighting for his life.
Det. Michael Eisenloffel, Nye County sheriff, stated the herbal supplements are legal "as far as I know."
Since his first day at the hospital, friends and family remained by his side, including Odom's father, his two children, Kris Jenner, Kim Kardashian and ex-wife Khloe Kardashian, who reportedly will make all medical decisions for the NBA star.
"Thanks for your outpouring of prayers and support for our dad. We are here with our family and friends," said Odom's kids in a statement. "We appreciate everyone respecting our privacy at this time. We ask for your continued prayers."
The Rev. Jesse Jackson also came to visit Odom and acknowledged the presence of loved ones.
"Khloe was there, and his friends," said Jackson. "We joined hands and we had prayer."
"He is in a real struggle, and I think the doctors are doing their task," added Jackson. "We fall down and we try to get back up again, and we hope mercy and grace will be extended to (Lamar) and he can get up again."
On Friday morning, Odom regained consciousness, giving a thumbs-up on his bed and managed to utter a greeting to his visitors, Fox Sports reported on Friday.
Odom's former coach in Los Angeles Jim Harrick noted Khloe confirmed the basketball star is off dialysis now and showed response as his ex-wife reaches down to him to say, "Lamar, I love you."
"Khloe has promised me she's going to stay by his bedside until she and him can walk out of the hospital together," said Harrick.