Eric Nam On His 'Kick-Ass' BFF Chloë Grace Moretz: 'There Are Times When I'm Surprised By How Mature She Is'

There may be eight years separating 27-year-old K-pop vocalist Eric Nam and Chloë Grace Moretz, the teenage star of the "Kick-Ass" film franchise, but that hasn't stood in the way of a budding friendship for the two international stars.
Even helping him promote the album in South Korea earlier this month, when the two recorded a viral video together that has received over 35,000 views.
At a showcase at the Yes24 Muv Hall in Seoul on Wednesday, on eve of the release of his latest EP "Interview," Nam discussed his longtime friendship with Moretz, who also appeared as Kaylie Hooper in the Tina Fey series "30 Rock."
"Chloë Moretz's support for you has received a lot of attention," a reporter asked Nam at the event, CJ E&M enewsWorld's Lee Jin Ho reported Thursday.
"Are you guys close in real life?"
"We keep in touch," Nam said. "Not only am I close with Chloë Moretz, I'm close with her family as well. She told me to come over when I'm in LA. I'm close with her family as well and my younger brother goes to their house for Christmas and Halloween parties. I definitely want to visit next time."
And what of more conservative fans who have issues with the eight-year age gap?
According to Nam, he and Chloë are kindred spirits. He says the American actress, who told Complex earlier this week she turned town an invitation to join Taylor Swift's squad earlier this week because they "appropriate exclusivity," is wise beyond her years.
"Chloë Moretz is young, but she's really thoughtful," he said. "We share a pretty big age difference, but there are times when I'm surprised by how mature she is. That's why I think we connect so well. She's a good friend."