'Tokyo Ghoul Re' Chapter 64 Spoilers: ETO's Original Plans Will Be Revealed?

Will ETO's secret tactics finally come to light in the "Tokyo Ghoul Re" manga series?
The spoilers for the upcoming chapter 64 tease the same possibility.
There are speculations that ETO will try to request a special television announcement from the CCG authorities in the next chapter to send out a secret message to other Ghouls.
"I find the TV announcement thing strange," speculated user Diamonds from Manga Helpers. "If anything, I would expect the CCG to do that, not ETO herself. She might want to let all of the ghouls at Aghori tree know that she had been captured by the CCG in some kind of secret message."
Further, the spoilers tease the possibility that one of ETO's intentions is to change the perception of Ghouls amongst the people and she would try to put forth her point in the new chapter.
"ETO is a very popular writer with many fans," speculated user Regina from the discussion forum. "If people will find out that she is a ghoul I think they may turn their viewpoint about ghouls around."
Besides, the spoilers for the new chapter suggest that the details about Kaneki and ETO's discussion will also be revealed.
Also, it is rumored that ETO's secret motives for surrendering herself to the CCG will also be the main focus of chapter 64 of "Tokyo Ghoul Re."
Furthermore, there are speculations that ETO handed over herself to the investigators because of Kaneki. The rumors tease the possibility that Kaneki will be showcased as the mastermind behind the recent events in the manga chapters.
But some users from the discussion forum argued with the possible spoilers and suggested that ETO would act as a game-changer for the ghouls and that she will take actions to destroy Kaneki in the upcoming chapter 64 of "Tokyo Ghoul Re."
"ETO really put Kaneki in a bad position," claimed user Kamui from Manga Helpers.
"Revealing herself, as a ghoul for everyone to see, and right beside a ghoul investigator at that. Does she intend to make Kaneki look bad? A ghoul investigator, escorting a ghoul, surely Kaneki may suffer some kind of punishment for this. Is that why she wanted him to go with her to the press conference? Do the other investigators even know about Eto being with Kaneki?"