‘Guardians Of The Galaxy 2' Villain Revealed? Chris Pratt Shares Shooting Details

Fans were not only thrilled about the production of "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" setting sail but were equally enthralled by the idea that the next villain that the band of superheroes might face may have well been revealed to them.
Independent UK recently reported that the next nefarious villain that Star-Lord, who is portrayed by the widely acclaimed actor Chris Pratt of "Jurassic World" and the hit TV series "Parks and Recreation," and his band of militia superheroes might be a talking planet, known in the comic books as Ego the Talking Planet.
The source noted that the villain is known in the comic universe as a planet who was granted consciousness by another Marvel character, who goes by as The Stranger, and sets forth on a mission to dominate other planets along the way.
It was also revealed by the source that the most commonly known hero that has faced off with this villain is Marvel's very own popular Thor, who has made efforts to put a stop to the demise brought forth by Ego.
As such, fans can't help but speculate as well as to whether Marvel's "Thor: Ragnarok" was being prepped up by the sequel "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" for future projects in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, courtesy of Independent UK.
Moreover, Chris Pratt took to Instagram to give his fans a glimpse of what has been currently going on with the film as he posted a picture of his character's (Star-Lord) Sony Walkman with a cassette tape inside, titled as "Awesome Mixtape Vol. 2."
"'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2' is going to be the greatest spectacle film of all time," Pratt captioned his Instagram photo. "This is not... bear with me... using online thesaurus... Hyperbole! This is not hyperbole!"