New International Research Discovers Way To Help United Nations Promote Their Message Around The World For More Urgent Action On Climate Change

Dr. Paul Bain from the School of Psychology and Counselling of Queensland University of Technology spearheaded a three-year program that aims to help the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate in promoting its message globally to take more urgent action on the matter.
The research program was participated by more than 6000 people from 24 different countries who gave their views about the issue of climate change, as reported by Phys.Org on Tuesday.
"The results could be valuable for the upcoming UN climate change summit in Paris," says Bain. "Put simply, in many places around the world climate change is losing ground to other issues in capturing the public's attention and priority."
He goes on, "The question is how to find new ways to motivate action, especially for those who are unconvinced or unconcerned about climate change. I guess our approach is a bit like the old saying 'if the mountain won't come to you, you must go to the mountain.'"
"Rather than trying to convince these people to care more about climate change, perhaps they would act if climate change mitigation could produce other benefits that they cared about. Things like reducing pollution, promoting new economic opportunities, or even just helping us see ourselves as people who care for one another and the planet."
He adds that their research "is the first to look at a wide range of benefits in an integrated way and to determine which benefits motivate action around the world."
Bain also says that these benefits could get extensive support from the public if the government policies and communications tackled these advantages.
University of Melbourne professor Yoshi Kashima, who also coordination the research program, says "the motivating effects of economic development varied across countries."
"But the belief that acting on climate change promotes a more caring community was a universally motivating belief across the countries we studied."
"If a global message is to be sent to motivate everyone, it is the potential of climate change action bringing people together for a better world," Kashima adds.
Meanwhile, the governments of over 190 nations will meet for the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference, which will be held in Paris from November 30 to December 11. The Guardian reported on June 2 that a possible new deal on climate change will be discussed on the summit.
In addition, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday calls for climate change agenda for the upcoming conference during a meeting with US President Barrack Obama at the UN General Assembly in New York.
"We look forward to [a] comprehensive and concrete outcome in Paris with a positive agenda on combating climate change which also focuses on access to finance and technology for the developing world, especially the poor countries and small island states," says Mondi.