Watch 'The Blacklist' Season 3 Episode 12 Online Live Stream Titled 'The Vehm' Via NBC

Watch "The Blacklist" season 3 episode 12 online live stream for free titled "The Vehm" via NBC.
You can also live stream the new episode here or here.
Episode 12 of "The Blacklist" season 3 is set to showcase a life-changing decision to be made by Elizabeth regarding her pregnancy. The upcoming episode will show Liz's choices to raise her baby in a safe environment, far away from Cabal's reach.
The next episode will also showcase the resurrection of the group called "The Holy Vehm."
Additionally, the new episode will also feature Liz, Tom and Red's strategic plans to bring down the Cabal organization, which poses a grave threat to all of them at present.
The brief synopsis for episode 12 of "The Blacklist" season 3 titled "The Vehm" is stated below:
"A rare medieval device is used in a murder, prompting Red to warn the task force that a lethal vigilante group from the Middle Ages is now in operation. Meanwhile, Liz receives startling news and cautiously plans her next move."
The previous episode showcased Elizabeth's struggle to settle down to a normal life. Also, in the last episode, Liz's FBI badge was taken away from her due to her pending charges for the murder of the attorney general.
All the latest NBC shows can be live streamed via NBC Live.
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If none of the above links work properly, the viewers can also choose for this link here.
Tune in on "The Blacklist" season 3 episode 12 at 9:00 pm EST on Jan. 28 via live stream through these links, Stream1 or Stream 2.