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'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Who Won at the Finale? Details Released!

by Pebbles Montales / Sep 25, 2015 04:00 AM EDT

(Photo : Gravy Train Productions)

After a long countdown of 98 days inside the highly guarded house thanks to multiple CCTV cameras, Big Brother 17 finally crowned the winner among 14 houseguests. All of them came from different backgrounds and having various occupations from college student, business practitioners and even a professional wrestler is included among its occupants.

22-year-old Steve Moses, a college student from Gouverneur, New York, has been declared as the winner at the season finale of Big Brother 17. The two other remaining housemates inside the house were Vanessa Rousso, 32, a professional poker player from Las Vegas, Nevada, and Liz Nolan, 23, a Miami-based marketing coordinator.

In the final episode, Vanessa won the first part of a series of competitions as reported from Just Jared; however Steve managed to emerge as the winner for part two and part three, which consists of voting for the next winner by a jury composed of their former housemates - namely Shelli Poole, Jackie Ibarra, Becky Burgess, Meg Maley, James Huling, Julia Nolan, professional wrestler Austin Matelson, John McGuire, and the now evictee Vanessa.

Meanwhile, 31-year -old James Huling, a retail associate from Wichita Falls, Texas, has been voted as America's favorite for Big Brother 17.

Before joining Big Brother 17, Steve Moses is a mechanical engineering student at Cornell University. He was born and raised in Gouverneur in New York. Inside theh ouse, he is portrayed as the resident genius though he has no plans to reveal about it. Steve wins $500,000 cash prize and undoubtedly all the bragging rights he can have as the title holder for the 17th season of American version of Big Brother.

Following the series finale, the Big Brother website announced to get ready for Big Brother 18. Online casting is now up and open casting calls for the show will be scheduled for spring. 

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