Will There Still Be A Blink 182 Album This 2016? Release Date Pushed Back Due To Barker’s Health?

Nothing exudes being a rock star than playing a gig against doctor's orders, which was what Blink 182 drummer Travis Barker did recently.
NME reported that the acclaimed drummer was finishing his set for #GiveTheDrummerSome at Hyde Bellagio in Las Vegas on Jan. 2, 2016, when he suddenly caught a fever that made him feel very nauseous.
Although Travis Barker was able to finish his set despite the condition he was in, he still took it to his Facebook page to explain to his fans what happened.
"Thanks to everybody that came to Hyde Bellagio this past Saturday for the show and sound check," the drummer posted on his account. "I had a 104 temp and was severely nauseous and dizzy."
"The paramedics demanded I not play and go to the hospital asap. I said I'm playing till I either pass out, throw up or die. Met so many of you guys at sound check that came from Mexico, Australia, etc. and there was no way I was gonna let you guys down."
"I got thru my entire set and I appreciate all the love."
This could pose a threat to the band's plans of releasing a new album this 2016.
It was noted that Blink 182 might drop their much anticipated new album sometime in 2016 after new materials surfaced and teased the fans of new songs, as reported by Kerrang.
And according to NME , earlier this year, reports were made when Tom DeLonge suddenly left the widely acclaimed punk band. However, Alkaline Trio frontman Matt Skiba came in the picture and filled in for the remaining 2015 tour dates of the band.
In an interview, drummer Travis Barker mentioned that the three of them have already recorded five new songs for the upcoming new album of Blink 182, according to RollingStone.