Watch 'Reign' Season 3 Episode 9 Free Online Live Stream Via The CW [Links]

Watch "Reign" season 3 episode 9 online live stream for free titled "Wedlock" via the CW.
You can also live stream the new episode here or here.
The upcoming episode 9 of "Reign" season 3 will witness Claude's marriage. Narcisse will be seen heading towards his plan of becoming the next king after King Francis's death.
The new episode of season 3 is also rumored to focus on Prince Don Carlos. Mary's suspicions will lead her to keep an eye on the Prince and his activities.
The brief synopsis of "Reign" season 3 episode 9 titled "Wedlock" is stated below:
"Claude is forced to marry someone selected by Narcisse. Meanwhile, a surprising discovery is made by Elizabeth, and it could alter her reign; and Mary asks Gideon to help her confirm her suspicions about Prince Don Carlos."
Episode 8 of the television drama series showcased Mary's feelings and complications. It was also portrayed how Mary was manipulated to agree on marrying someone else for the welfare of her kingdom.
Additionally, Catherine was accused by Narcisse for King Francis's death. Moreover, episode 8 also showcased Mary's belief in Catherine's innocence. Mary was seen discussing with Lola about how Narcisse might have framed Catherine to become the regent of France.
All the latest CW shows can be live streamed via The CW. Different regions have different rules and if there is trouble to access "Reign" season 3 episode 9 link, just choose your country region accordingly and watch your favorite CW TV show.
If none of the above links work, the viewers can also opt for this link.
The live stream for "Reign" Episode 9 can also be done by downloading the mobile application titled, The CW App.
Catch "Reign" season 3 episode 9 at 8:00 pm EST via live stream through these links, Stream1 or Stream 2.