Apple Vs. Google Self-Driving Car News: First Models Of Apple’s ‘Titan’ Nears Preview After California DMV Talks; Competition Is On For Apple And Google In The Self-Driving Car Market?

Apple's state-of-the art self-driving vehicle nears preview, thanks to successful talks the company conducted with California's Department of Motor and Vehicle (DMV). As written in an article on Apple Insider, Apple's legal reps conferenced with DMV authorities last month.
According to The Apple Insider, a report stated California vehicle transportation laws were in the pipeline of initiating the release of first models of Apple's "Titan" before everybody knew it.
"Titan" may just be the new upcoming joint Apple-BMW project. In another Apple Insider report, BMW's new CEO, Harald Krueger, expresses possible plans to partner with Apple and corporations from a similar industry in the invention of a vehicle customized for this time and age.
Word has it Apple CEO, Tim Cook, paid a visit to a BMW electric car sales center in Leipzig in 2014. That visit might just be a sign of a possible future business partnership between Apple and BMW.
Google is not letting Apple steal all the limelight in the self-driving cars market, though.
Google's own self-driving cars are in the works, as reported in Forbes.
Sarah Hunter, Google Self-Driving Car Project's public policy head, said:
"We haven't' decided yet how we're going to bring this to market. Right now our engineers are trying to figure out the answers to all of the difficult to make a car genuinely drive itself. Once we figure that out, we'll figure out how to bring it to market."
DMV deputy director, Bernard Soriano, had this to say about the applicability of road regulations on federal laws as per self-driving cars transportation laws, according to The Guardian:
"Candidly, the regulations that get developed in California could be utilized by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration when it is in a position to develop federal regulations."
Soriano allegedly attended a self-driving vehicle business event the previous week.