'One-Punch Man' Season 2 Release Date Still Uncertain; Sequel Hints Saitama's New Rival

"One-Punch Man" season 2 is already in the works, but its release date is still uncertain.
Yusuke Marata confirmed on Twitter that "he is hard at work in making a continuation of the events from the final episode of season 1" of "One-Punch Man" Season 2, according to Christian Post.
The second season is still unofficial. However, its plot has already surfaced online. Rumors suggest that "One-Punch Man" season 2 will highlight the events after the previous season concluded, Ecumenical News reported.
"In that particular episode, Lord Boros managed to counteract the punches released by Saitama because of his regenerative powers. This resulted in the fight drawing out, until finally, Saitama clobbered Boros into dust with his most powerful punch, which was labeled 'serious punch,'" Ecumenical News wrote.
The website added that Saitama's another potential rival may also come in the form of Amai Mask, a "Class A Rank 1." The clash might stem down from the latter blaming Class S heroes "for the destruction of the city and a fight."
As for "One-Punch Man" Season 2 release date, Christian Today noted that creating a season for a typical anime takes from six up to nine months after the previous season ended, or it may take up to two years as the longest.
Nonetheless, Yusuke can keep his promise to deliver "One Punch Man" season 2 as soon as possible if he works double time.
Meanwhile, the anime's official website released the teaser of the series' first and second OVA episode, Anime News Network reported.
The first OVA, entitled "A Shadow That Snuck Up Too Close" will be 12 minutes long, while the second is titled "The Pupil Who Is an Extremely Poor Talker." Both OVA episodes are original stories reportedly created by ONE.
The release date for "One-Punch Man" Blu-ray Disc/DVD is set on Jan. 29, 2016 including the second OVA episode, YHM reported.