Zadroga Act Renewed For 75 Years; Jon Stewart & 'The Daily News' ‘Literally Made The Difference’

In December, the US Congress finally came to a decision and voted to extend the Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, which was heavily supported by Jon Stewart of "The Daily News," according to sources.
"'The Daily News' literally made the difference," Senator Kirsten Gillibrand said to reporters, courtesy of the NY Daily News.
Senator Gillibrand and Represantative Caroly Maloney, who both have contributed to boost efforts, gave Jon Stewart and "The Daily News" the proper credit it deserved in helping the Zadroga Act renewed.
"The paper did so much work from the beginning when we were doing this in 2010, editorializing and covering this, really speaking truth to power and shaming people who needed to be," the US Senator added.
Representative Maloney on the other hand, gave praises to host and his news show for constantly reminding people of the stories of the first responders and survivors of 9/11, and Congress' dormant reaction towards the renewal of the Zadroga Act.
Fans of Jon Stewart and his acclaimed show "The Daily News" would starkly remember when he stormed in and crashed Stephen Colbert's "Late Show" during the latter's monologue to make a final pitch for Congress to renew the expired Zadroga Act, as reported by CBS New York.
"Boring!" Stephen Colbert heckled as Jon Stewart started his pitch, courtesy of E Online. "Sorry, Jon. Sorry. I hate to go pro on you here but you've been out of the game here for a while," the "Late Show" host said.
"That's got no zazz... No one's going to listen to you, unless you-I don't know how to put this-Trump it up a little bit," he quipped.
"Tweet at your congressmen with the hashtag #WorstResponders," Stewart said as he impersonated Donald Trump, courtesy of Wall Street Journal.
"Tell them Donald said to pull up your big-boy pants and make America great again. Pass the Zadroga Act, or I will glue Congress together, dip them in gold and wear them around my friggin' neck. Classy! Fantastic!" He added.