If You Have Difficulty Urinating Follow These 3 Simple Tips!

Usually we urinate 4-6 times a day . If it exceeds 8 times, it can be called frequent urination. And most people who suffer from frequent urination have difficulty urinating and are more likely to have overactive bladder.
There are various treatments for overactive bladder, but it can also be managed through lifestyle. Here are three simple tips you can do today!
Avoid caffeine and alcohol
The most effective way is to avoid caffeine and alcohol. First, caffeine in coffee, green tea, etc. binds to adenosine receptors thereby increasing the amount of urine. Alcohol also suppresses the antidiuretic hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, making urination more frequent. Therefore, if you have an overactive bladder, it is always good to be on the lookout for caffeine and alcohol.
Drink water as much as possible
It is best to share water as often as possible. The urge to urinate is because a full bladder sends a signal to the central nervous system. A normal bladder can store 300 to 500 mL of urine, but overactive bladder patients feel the urge to urinate even when the urine is half full. If you drink a lot of water at once, the urge to urinate will become worse. Therefore, people who have difficulty in urinating should drink as much water as possible and do not drink water 2 hours before going to bed.
Do pelvic muscle exercises
Pelvic muscle exercise is anatomically effective in the treatment of overactive bladder. This is because the pelvic muscle layer is strengthened and elastically holds the bladder and urethra drooping down. Kegel exercises are an example. At first, contract for 5 seconds, then relax for 5 seconds, repeat 4 to 5 times, then increase the time to 10 seconds when you get used to it. A good way to tighten the sphincter is to lie down and lift the buttocks.
Meanwhile, supplements like the Deer Horn Albumin Plus can help improve kidney function and prevent kidney disease.