HYBE, JYP Entertainment, SM Entertainment, & YG Entertainment, Who Has The Highest Market Cap?

Market capitalization, or market cap, is the estimated value of a certain company on the open market. This is based on the prices of shares and the total amount of outstanding stocks.
Recently, it has been revealed which major Korean entertainment company has the highest market cap and the gap between other companies is surprisingly high.
As per data released by Chosun Biz, HYBE's (also known as Big Hit Entertainment) market cap has gone beyond 10.2 trillion won today, as of writing this article, on the 15th of June. With this, HYBE currently is categorized as the company with the highest market cap from major entertainment agencies.
This is the first time in history in the Korean entertainment industry that an agency has valued a market cap of 10 trillion won. More remarkable, HYBE's market cap is ten times that of the original "BIG 3" companies of JYP, YG, and SM Entertainment.
Following HYBE is the original "BIG 3" company. To the surprise of most netizens, JYPE, SME, and YGE, have market caps of approximately 1 trillion Korean Won. As of writing this article, SM Entertainment is second to HYBE, having a market cap of 1.196 trillion won.
In 2nd and 3rd place are JYP Entertainment and YG Entertainment with market cap values amounting to 1.466 trillion won and 965.9 billion won, respectively.
Notably, the first half of 2021 was a loss for YG Entertainment and SM Entertainment but they were able to bounce back at the end of May as per the Korean Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (KOSDAQ), alongside JYP Entertainment and HYBE.
Notably, for JYP Entertainment and SM Entertainment, the comeback of ITZY and TWICE, and EXO and aespa were enough to increase their profits.
Essentially, among the four major K-pop companies, HYBE Corporation (formerly Big Hit Entertainment), ranks 1 in market cap.